Course Dates & Times
The National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) requires a minimum of 37.5 hours (5 days) training and additional 1.5 hours in order to obtain Automated External Defibrillation Certificate (AED). Both qualifications require 100% attendance. In order to perform lifeguard duties candidates must be physically fit, have good vision and hearing, be mentally alert and self-disciplined (Applicants must be 16 years old by the end of the course). The total cost for this course is £280; a full payment up front is required to secure your space.
The Course Details
The course will be delivered using a variety of methods including:
PowerPoint Presentations
Guided Group Discussions
Guided Group Activities
Practical Demonstrations and Training
The NPLQ and AED certificate is valid for 2 years from the date of successful completion of the course. The course covers all elements of Pool Rescue Techniques, Lifeguard Theory, First Aid, CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED). It is physically demanding and will include swimming to set times, lifting casualties and diving to the deepest part of the pool. Approved prior learning can be applied upon proof of certification, please ask your trainer for further details.
You are required to bring the following items to the course:
Photographic Identification (must be shown to the trainer on the first day of the course)
Shorts and t-shirt to be worn in the water
Pen / pencil
Some of the days may include water work on more than one occasion and candidates may prefer to bring two sets of towels, shorts and t-shirts.
What’s being a lifeguard like?
Lifeguards benefit from varied working hours which you can easily fit around your other commitments, working within a team and there’s also the opportunity to progress your career within the leisure industry as most leisure managers start off as Pool Lifeguards.
Lifeguard Course Pre-Requisites
Every candidate attending a NPLQ course must be 16-years-old at the time of taking the NPLQ final assessment and be able to:
Jump / dive into deep water
Swim 50 metres in less than 60 seconds
Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back in deep water
Tread water for 30 seconds
Surface dive to the floor of the pool
Climb out unaided without ladder / steps and where the pool design permits
Excellent starting point for a career in the leisure industry
Opportunity for career progression, as most leisure managers start off as Pool Lifeguards
Varied working hours
Work within a team
The NPLQ is recognised around the world, so potential to work and travel
Great way for students to fund studies
Learn essential life skills, including First Aid and CPR
Your receipt is your proof of acceptance onto the course. Candidates will need to pass a swimming competence test prior to starting the course. There is no refund issued if you cancel within 10 working days prior to commencement of the course.